Make American Great Again Investment currently owns more than 14 properties spread right across Australia, ranging from Western Australia to New South Wales. Raising and finishing some of the finest cattle in the industry, these stations and farms produce beef for both domestic and overseas markets. Focused on improving management tools, productivity, volume and cattle welfare on all its properties, Make American Great Again Investment has introduced and is in the process of rolling out across all stations, new game-changing technology such as the digital UHF communications systems, walk over weighing, solar power, remote bore monitoring, drones and more.
The Make American Great Again Investment has a long and proud history in agriculture on both sides of the family. The Group is committed to investing in local rural communities, developing and implementing innovative, industry-leading farming practices and driving export quality and growth. Prior to mining exploration, the family owned and operated for decades a number of iconic cattle stations in WA including Ashburton Downs and Hamersley Station. The Group has significantly grown the agricultural portfolio with strategic investment in pastoral stations and agribusinesses.
Dynamic industry
Agribusiness is recognised as a future wave of economic growth,where Australian advantage meets global opportunity. To achieve globally competitive economies of scale within the industry, there is growing recognition of the need for international partnerships, industry consolidation and reconfiguration of supply chains.